The Pros and Cons of a Water Purifier

The Pros and Cons of a Water Purifier

Water is the most important chemical compound required for life and the quality of water that we, as consumers, take in determines our health status. Water purifiers have become increasingly popular in modern households as people become more aware of the contaminants that can be present in tap water. At DeHome Decor, we value contemporary design and minimalist philosophies, which extend to the practicality and health benefits of having a water purifier in your home.This blog will therefore discuss the advantages and disadvantages of water purifiers with the aim of assisting you make the right decision. 


Pros of a Water Purifier 

  1. Improved Water Quality 

 Change of water quality is a major advantage achieved when using a water purifier, hence making it popular among users. Tap water can contain various impurities like chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides and bacteria and water purifiers are machines that are built to eliminate such substances. This makes it possible to have clean and safe water for drinking and preparing foods hence, minimising incidences of waterborne diseases. 

  1. Health Benefits 

 Sufficient supply of clean water is important in enabling any individual to have a sound health. The water purification eliminates the poisonous materials in the water supply, thus preventing occurrences of gastrointestinal diseases and other related illnesses. Moreover, purified water does not contain chlorine and other chemicals that make the skin become irritated and dry, especially when taking a bath or washing something. 

  1. Better Taste and Odour 

 Water purifiers enhance the taste and smell of tap water since water contains chlorine and other chemicals that cause bad taste and smell. This feature makes drinking water more favourable and may lead to people drinking more water which is always regarded as a plus for human health. 

  1. Cost-Effective

In the long run, a water purifier saves the total cost that must have been spent on buying purifying chemicals for the water.. Additionally buying water in a bottle is expensive, and when one has to buy it frequently, then the cost which is incurred is very high.

  1. Environmental Benefits 

 When you use a water purifier, the chances of having to use bottled water are very minimal hence minimising the use of plastics. 


Cons of a Water Purifier

  1. Initial Cost 

A water purifier is rather expensive, at least regarding its initial purchase and installation. The better water purifiers available in the market may be costly and it could be even more costly if it requires installation and maintenance. But as the liabilities shed light on, many people consider it to be positively invaluable in the long run. 

  1. Maintenance 

 In most cases, the water purifiers need to be serviced and cleaned to help perform the required function. This involves cleaning and replacing such aspects as a filter and other parts that may be required to be changed periodically. Failure to maintain the purifier is likely to result in poor performance and can make the purifier allow contaminants through. 

  1. Poor Efficiency in the Removal of Some Pollutants 

Some purifiers have limitations and cannot remove some of the chemicals or kill certain microorganisms. While selecting a water purifier, one should be careful to select a model that meets one’s needs and is suitable for the water being filtered.

  1. Potential Water Wastage

Some types of water purifiers, particularly reverse osmosis systems, can waste a significant amount of water during the purification process. For every gallon of purified water produced, several gallons of water may be wasted. This can be a concern in areas where water conservation is important.

  1. Space Requirements

The water purifier models may vary depending on its size and may take a large area for installation. Under-sink and countertop purifiers occupy a lot of kitchen space which can be a disadvantage due to the existing restrictions. 


Why Choose Us?

Sustainability and minimalistic design are two concepts that are incorporated into every single item found at DeHome Decor. Apart from the fact that our water purifiers are fully functional, they are also stylish, fitting within your contemporary home theme. 

 - Express Shipping: You can now order and be able to get free shipment and free return. 

 - Quick Installation: Our water purifiers also provided an installation procedure.

 - 30 Days Return Policy: In case you are not content with the product you received you have the right to return it within thirty days of its delivery and receive a full refund. 



The advantages of water purifiers include the following; enhanced quality of water, health wise; taste and odour; financially; for the environment; and the general ease. However, they also have some disadvantages which are, initial cost, maintenance needed, not highly effective on some contaminants, wastage of water sometimes needed, and space needed for installation. 

 These are some of the advantages and disadvantages of water purifiers to help you decide whether it fits your needs and the needs of those under your care. 

Here at DeHome Decor we aim to provide high-quality products that are as stylish as they are functional. Explore our variety of water purifiers and make the choice for a better version of yourself and a better world. 

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